This inspirational poem has been made into a video.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

: Your Ultimate Calling
by Wayne W. Dyer
From the reviews
There’s a voice in the universe calling each of us to remember our purpose—our reason for being here now, in this world of impermanence. The voice whispers, shouts, and sings to us that this experience of being in form, in space and time, knowing life and death, has meaning. The voice is that of inspiration, which is within each and every one of us.
The bestselling author of the New Age classic The Power of Intention has another book that will probably delight his fans and new readers who resonate with his spiritual approach. Inspiration, Dyer writes, is the opposite of motivation and goal-oriented thinking, the latter, "grabbing an idea and carrying it through to an acceptable conclusion." Inspiration, on the other hand, is when "an idea has taken hold of us from the invisible reality of Spirit." To Dyer, getting rid of ego in all its manifestations is the first step to connecting with the power of inspiration.
Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling contains methods for finding your way to an inspired life, absorbing the inspiration of others, becoming an inspiration, and transcending commonplace uninspiring energy. According to Dyer, inspiration is the opposite of motivation. Motivation is "grabbing an idea and carrying it through to an acceptable conclusion", but inspiration is the reverse-allowing ourselves to be moved by a Force greater than ourselves. While motivation pushes us towards goals, inspiration is a relaxed flow, enabling us to enjoy where we are on the way to where we're going. By remembering our constant connection to Source energy, we tap into peace, ease, and abundance.
Dr. Dyer explains how we’ve chosen to enter this world of particles and form. From our place of origin, in ways that we don’t readily comprehend now, we knew what we were coming here to accomplish, and we participated in setting this life process in motion. So why not think this same way? Why put the responsibility or blame on any one or any thing that’s not a part of us? On Earth we have the capacity of volition—we can choose—so let’s assume that we had the same capacity when we resided in the spiritual realm. We chose our physical body, and we chose the parents we needed for the trip. It doesn’t seem too great a stretch to move into the idea that we chose this life in concert with our Source.
Each chapter in this book is filled with specifics for living an inspired life. From a very personal viewpoint, Wayne Dyer offers a blueprint through the world of spirit to inspiration, your ultimate calling.
Some of my favorite quotes from the book include: "Remember: We're already connected to everything that we think is missing from our life. Below and above the ranges that our eyes and ears perceive, the entire activity of creation remains invisible and inaccessible-but when we shift from sensory searching to trusting what we know, we discover the folly of chasing after anything in order to feel inspired."
"'ll never find light by analyzing the darkness..."
"Having an interest in something is the clue to a thought that's connected to our calling-that thought is a vibration of energy in this vast Universe."
"Ego nags us to compete and insists that we've failed when others defeat us or have more than we do."
"Lecturing or demanding others live peacefully is one of the least effective ways to inspire them; however, when we simply demonstrate that we're living peacefully, we offer other people a large dose of inspiration by our mere presence."
"...we must make a conscious choice to say no to anything that takes us away from an inspired life...We can start by turning down requests that involve actions that don't correspond with our inner knowing about why we're here".
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Getting Unstuck
By Natasha Rosewood
According to the Buddhists, between January 29 and February 12 is the worst time of the year. “Don’t start anything new during this ending period,” they advise. “It won’t last.” February, however, can be a great time to meditate on new beginnings. But what if you have no direction? What if you are STUCK?
You are probably in good company. Psychic or not, sometimes my own future is indefinable. I just don’t know. Or that’s what I tell myself anyway. Some hidden fear may be lurking in my unconscious mind and creating a smokescreen.
Metaphorically, energy or “chi” is like a flowing river. When we feel stuck, the flow of that river is caught in an eddy. Our chi is going around and around in circles and being sucked down into a bottomless vortex.
Remember, though, this is only your mind telling you that you are stuck. Energy by its very definition means motion and, therefore, cannot stay still. “Stuckness” is just an illusion and sometimes, merely a judgment of where you have not yet arrived. Your ego mind, your conscious waking-state chatters at you, berating you constantly with “I should be doing. . . ” or “what’s wrong with me?” or “I don’t know…” et al.
But stuckness does not have to be suffered. It can be celebrated.
The good news is that feeling stuck is part of the human process and, believe it or not, serves a purpose. Stuckness is about standing still for a while and allowing us to take stock. In our Western culture and our headlong rush towards success and then death, (not always in that order) we do not allow ourselves permission to not know our destination. And if you resist your stuckness, it will only expand.
So just for today, give yourself permission to see your situation differently. Sit down, put your feet up, take a load off and read the following ten tips to honoring stuckness.
Accept what is now. Everything is in perfect divine right order. Therefore, you are not stuck, just resting.
Let your life unfold naturally. If you are unable to make a decision, it means you do not have all the information yet. Wait and trust. Ask for help. Consult your psychic, coach, counselor, spirit guides or angels. Be open to a different perspective.
Throw an “idea party.” Brainstorm, exchange ideas, give and receive support.
Invite someone you admire to be your mentor. (Most people love to give advice!)
Recognize that you are not stuck, merely regrouping and preparing for a new life. Be thankful for the pause and know that what is yours will come to you.
Decide to see your life as a movie and write your dreams into your script. Be honest with yourself. What do you really, really want? Pursue the most exciting and/or scary options.
9. Feel the fear and, even if you are you terrified of success or happiness, do it anyway. That’s the time when you will feel really ALIVE!
10. Take one action every day towards that bigger picture. No matter how small the deed, you are still moving forward.
And you are no longer stuck.
Natasha J. Rosewood is a Psychic Coach, Facilitator and Author of Aaagh! I Think I’m Psychic (And You Can Be Too). For details about her services, to purchase her book or subscribe to her newsletter visit:
According to the Buddhists, between January 29 and February 12 is the worst time of the year. “Don’t start anything new during this ending period,” they advise. “It won’t last.” February, however, can be a great time to meditate on new beginnings. But what if you have no direction? What if you are STUCK?
You are probably in good company. Psychic or not, sometimes my own future is indefinable. I just don’t know. Or that’s what I tell myself anyway. Some hidden fear may be lurking in my unconscious mind and creating a smokescreen.
Metaphorically, energy or “chi” is like a flowing river. When we feel stuck, the flow of that river is caught in an eddy. Our chi is going around and around in circles and being sucked down into a bottomless vortex.
Remember, though, this is only your mind telling you that you are stuck. Energy by its very definition means motion and, therefore, cannot stay still. “Stuckness” is just an illusion and sometimes, merely a judgment of where you have not yet arrived. Your ego mind, your conscious waking-state chatters at you, berating you constantly with “I should be doing. . . ” or “what’s wrong with me?” or “I don’t know…” et al.
But stuckness does not have to be suffered. It can be celebrated.
The good news is that feeling stuck is part of the human process and, believe it or not, serves a purpose. Stuckness is about standing still for a while and allowing us to take stock. In our Western culture and our headlong rush towards success and then death, (not always in that order) we do not allow ourselves permission to not know our destination. And if you resist your stuckness, it will only expand.
So just for today, give yourself permission to see your situation differently. Sit down, put your feet up, take a load off and read the following ten tips to honoring stuckness.
Accept what is now. Everything is in perfect divine right order. Therefore, you are not stuck, just resting.
Let your life unfold naturally. If you are unable to make a decision, it means you do not have all the information yet. Wait and trust. Ask for help. Consult your psychic, coach, counselor, spirit guides or angels. Be open to a different perspective.
Throw an “idea party.” Brainstorm, exchange ideas, give and receive support.
Invite someone you admire to be your mentor. (Most people love to give advice!)
Recognize that you are not stuck, merely regrouping and preparing for a new life. Be thankful for the pause and know that what is yours will come to you.
Decide to see your life as a movie and write your dreams into your script. Be honest with yourself. What do you really, really want? Pursue the most exciting and/or scary options.
9. Feel the fear and, even if you are you terrified of success or happiness, do it anyway. That’s the time when you will feel really ALIVE!
10. Take one action every day towards that bigger picture. No matter how small the deed, you are still moving forward.
And you are no longer stuck.
Natasha J. Rosewood is a Psychic Coach, Facilitator and Author of Aaagh! I Think I’m Psychic (And You Can Be Too). For details about her services, to purchase her book or subscribe to her newsletter visit:
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